Helpful Resources
9Marks has a plethora of resources for churches and Christians, including articles, journals, books, podcasts, and free courses.
AGTV started after the success of the American Gospel film. It is a streaming service full of discipleship-oriented content built for strengthening Christians. We recommend watching the American Gospel: Christ Alone film first!
VidAngel allows you to customize filters for movies and television, giving you control over what you see and hear. It can connect to your streaming services and offers filters for thousands of TV shows and movies.
TinyCat gives you access to see my recommended books, including church recommendations, children's recommendations, and favorites. It's best to use the dropdown "Collection" menu. Note that not all the books in my library are ones I would recommend.
Grace to You was founded by John MacArthur and also has lots of good resources for believers.
This is a great app from Grace to You ministries. You can use it for free, but for just $6 you can unlock study notes, book introductions, articles, maps, charts, and more.
Got Questions has answered over 700,000 Bible questions. It's a great resource and makes it easy to search for Bible answers. I have found the answers to be quite theologically sound and well done.
The Chosen is the first ever crowd-funded multi-season television show, and it's about Jesus and his disciples. Keep in mind this is fiction based on biblical stories. It's not a replacement for reading Scripture.
Founders is another ministry with lots of valuable resources, including a podcast, sermons, interviews, book reviews, and a book store.
The Gospel Coalition is a very large ministry and has many great resources, but I will note that not everything they share or produce is theologically sound. It is a resource worth using and has a lot to offer, but as with all things, use discernment and check everything with Scripture.